How To create user account and trial key for TReports Zero 3.0


  • Double click on TReports icon to start TReports 3.0.
  • If you are running TReports Zero for the first time on this computer, then it will start the registration process.
  • Enter your email ID registered with us. if you have not registered yourself and not created your account, then enter your email ID which you want to register with us. we will use this email ID for future communication about your license.
  • After that click on the CHECK button.
  • If this email ID is not registered with us then it will prompt a message.
  • Click on the OK button 
  • It will ask your contact details required to create your account.
  • Fill your contact information.
  • Please note that all fields are compulsory
  • After filling all the information, click on the NEXT button.
  • Then you will be given two options.
  • If you already have a product key and want to use the same again, then click on the first option "I already have a product key"
  • If you are new to the software and want to test the software in trial mode, then select the second option "I Don't have any Product key but I want to try the software" and then click on the NEXT button.
  • Finally you will be taken on a screen where you will be given an option to generate a new trial key.
  • Click on the GENERATE KEY button.
  • You will be prompt again to conform to generate the trial key. Click on YES button
  • After system successfully generates the trial key, one message will appear on the screen.
  • Click on OK button.
  • You can see the license information like activation date, status and expiry date of the key, on the screen.
  • The trial key generation process is complete.
  • Click ok CLOSE button.
  • The TReports zero 3.0 software will start and will prompt for the security credentials.
  • The default user name is admin
  • The default password is also admin.
  • after entering user name and password click on OK button.
  • Once the software starts, it connects to tally running in the background. the company name is shown in the right side of the status bar.
  • Now you are ready to create and see the reports


Demo :