
TReports Zero 3.0 Setup file

Download TReports Z Setup from here.

Updates for TReports Z 3.0

ZViewer 1.0 (Free)

TReports 3.0 Patches for Zero

10000 -



TReports 3.0 Patches for Excel to Tally (version or later)


Ledgers.xls - Import Formats for Excel To Tally

LedgerGroups.xls - Import Formats for Excel To Tally


Godowns.xls - Import Formats for Excel To Tally

Units.xls - Import Formats for Excel To Tally

StockCategories.xls - Import Formats for Excel To Tally

StockGroups.xls - Import Formats for Excel To Tally

StockItems.xls - Import Formats for Excel To Tally


TReportsExcelToTally.xls - (OLD TSync Format) Import Formats for Excel To Tally

Voucher Format 507.xls - (Sales without GST) Import Voucher Format 507 for Excel To Tally

Voucher Format 508.xls - (Sales with GST) Import Voucher Format 508 for Excel To Tally

Voucher Format 551.xls - (312 Receipt) Import Voucher Format 551 for Excel To Tally

Voucher Format 552.xls - (313 Sales) Import Voucher Format 552 for Excel To Tally

Voucher Format 553.xls - (Journal) Import Voucher Format 552 for Excel To Tally

Voucher Format 554.xls - (Receipt) Import Voucher Format 552 for Excel To Tally

Voucher Format 555.xls - (Sales) Import Voucher Format 552 for Excel To Tally



Ledger Groups.pch - Import format for Ledger Groups

Ledgers.pch - Import format for Ledgers


Cost Categories.pch - Import format for Cost Categories

Cost Centres.pch - Import format for Cost Centres


Units.pch - Import format for Units
Godowns.pch - Import format for Godowns

Stock Categories.pch - Import format for Stock Categories

Stock Groups.pch - Import format for Stock Groups

Stock Items.pch - Import format for Stock Items


Employee Groups.pch - Import format for Employee Groups

Employee Categories.pch - Import format for Employee Categories

Employees.pch - Import format for Employees


Transactions.pch - Import format for Transactions


Update Group Alias.pch - Import format for Update Group Alias

Update Ledger Alias.pch - Import format for Update Ledger Alias

Update Party GSTIN.pch - Import format for Party GSTIN

Update StockItem Alias.pch - Import format for StockItem Alias

Update Ledger Opening.pch - Import format for Ledger Opening

Update StockItem Opening.pch - Import format for StockItem Opening


TReports 3.0 Patches for Elite

1001 - New Reports for GP and updates for Existing Reports

1002 - Report for List of Vouchers with Ledger Amount and  and Party PAN, Group